Meet Caro
The Christopher Rainbow Project
Therapy Dog!

An Interview With Lauren

Meet Caro's Parents
Caro's Progress Page
An Interview With Lauren
Caro's Reviews Page
Your Letters and Comments To Caro
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Spreading good Karma

Meet Caro's "mom", Lauren,
and learn about her heart's dream...
A wonderful dog, "Caro".
And her other passion...
The Christopher Rainbow Project.

Question: Where do you get your ideas?

Lauren: From many different areas!
With respect to Christopher's Rainbow Project and working hand in "paw" with "Caro",
it began two fold.
First was the loss of our beloved child, Christopher Anthony.
Second was with respect to Dog Therapy/Search and Rescue...
My sister, Chaplain Mary Ramsden, and her unselfish work with her own dogs in this field has always shown me the power of pet therapy in many different situations.
Also, PAWS With A Cause is near and dear to me, as are the Leader Dogs For The Blind.
I have a deep rooted belief that all creatures are placed with us for a reason.
My love for dogs runs deep.
My respect for their unconditional love overwhelms me.
My hearts desire is to incorporate both of my programs in an attempt to heal hearts through this unique act of kindness.
It seems natural to blend the two programs together.
Best case scenario, we do so much good!
Worst case scenario...we spread a lot of love and compassion with a few wet canine kisses along our journey!
In the words of my husband Don,

Caro's handler and founder of The Christopher Rainbow Project.

To learn about
The Christopher Rainbow Project,
Click on Lauren's photo.