Meet Caro
The Christopher Rainbow Project
Therapy Dog!

Picture Pages

Meet Caro's Parents
Caro's Progress Page
An Interview With Lauren
Caro's Reviews Page
Your Letters and Comments To Caro
Contact Me
Picture Pages

Here is my photo album of my family and my friends who send in pictures!

This is my sister, Rosie.
Sure, she looks cute...but boy she can sure bite!

This is my sister, Rosie.
She is a show-off!
She is only 4 pounds, but she keeps EVERYONE in line!
Can you tell my mom is a photographer?
And "Rosie" is always "mugging" for the camera!
Dumb Girls!

My brother Harley..We miss you!
Where's the fire

And here is my brother Harley.
HE still asks Santa to take me back every day.
I was the Christmas Present!
HE says Santa made a mistake!
HE never wants to play.
Can you BELIEVE a dog that doesn't want to play!?
HE is an old grouch!
Darn old, dumb old chihuahua's!
I don't know what my mommy see's in them....
They are just plain old dumb!

Sadly, Harley, "Mr. Hootles", passed away Feb.3,2008.
We love you Harley, and miss you every day..... a PUPPY!
Caro, the wonder dog

so sleepy
playing is very tiring!

This is ME!
Everyone say Aw!

This is my favorite toy, duck-duck!

My newest sister.

Gondolas in Venice; Size=240 pixels wide

What the heck is this???
Where the heck is this?
And do they take CHIHUAHUA'S???